Mike Love – click here to listen
Could anything be better than fun, fun, fun? The answer may surprise you in this revealing conversation between rock legend Mike Love and his fellow TM teacher of 50 years Dr. James Meade.

Josh Griffith– Release Date October 11, 2022
“The stress was not allowing me to explore my full creativity,” says Josh Griffith, screenwriter and producer of the soap The Young and the Restless, in this podcast. “Stress and anxiety were controlling my life.” The effect of TM was instant and effortless. “I went from stress controlling my life to my life controlling the stress.”

Carol Conant – Release Date October 18, 2022
She had gotten to the point where nothing was working emotionally. Her outer life seemed perfect – beautiful home and family, tenured teacher. But inside she was depressed and anxious. She knew her brain chemistry was out of whack. She drove through an Alaskan blizzard to learn TM, entered the session with her heart pounding from the difficult drive. She found the effect of TM was immediate and tangible. Jim Meade interviews Carol Conant.